Dirt Dance of Gratitude

As a modest animal sanctuary, TevaLand currently has only a small ring for our rescued horses. After a recent flood and the 2 week deep freeze, it was practically an ice-ring! Our four equine kids had a serious problem. The farm tractor could not handle such frozen conditions and our beloved horses had nowhere to go. It was too hard on their legs, dangerous and frustrating, and for days they were forced to stand together in a safe but small area. Sophie's Spirit, Lana Love, Toni the Pony, and Faith were in need of relief. That's when KLM Contracting and CIOFFI 1 INC came to the rescue! These guys can tackle any construction or excavation challenge! We are beyond grateful to Mike Dimartino of KLM Contracting, Jerry Cioffi of Cioffi 1 Inc along with Dom, Gill, and Ray for their time, skills, materials, and- most importantly- their generous hearts. Their love for animals put into action made a major difference for our family of rescued horses! This "Dirt Dance" video in the newly leveled ring is their way of saying thank you. Notice Sophie's Spirit- our oldest and most distinguished white mare- only watching while the youngsters frolick, as is fitting of her royal status. ❤